Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer is Underway!

Our summer is so fun this far. Luke and Layton have been a goofy twosome and Kestrel continues learning all about new stuff (and learning things are a no-no, like outlets). Her utensil capabilities are getting stronger - meaning my cleaning capabilities getting easier - and she is eating new foods like chips with Grampa!
We had a wonderful visit with Nana and Grampa. It was relaxing and Grampa watched World Cup Soccer simultaneously in two rooms! We spent lots of time at the pool and went to the Ocoee River to try snorkeling in fresh water. The spot we chose is where the whitewater events in the Atlanta Summer Olympics were held and it was pretty cool to see all of the aquatic life while looking down from above. I was a bit shocked at how many fish there were because the water was fairly shallow in a lot of areas. Everyone had a good time and enjoyed the cool water rushing past.
Layton thought snorkeling in "the wild" was lots different than in the swimming pool, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. His swimming skills are definitely impressive!Kestrel liked the scene and Nana was great to keep her safe and sound.
After waterplay, we enjoyed the wonderful picnic Nana prepared for us!
I think one of the best things about their visit is that Luke and I had 2 (count 'em...2) dates!! We played putt-putt one night and went bowling another. It was very fun to get out with the hubby and spend time, just the two of us. We were sad to see the grandparents leave, but happy to know they made it back to NM safely! We sure do miss you guys!! Thanks for everything!!

The night they left, we spent the evening on the Williams' pontoon boat. Sean captained and we went to Riverbend, a huge music festival here in Chattanooga, on its last night. We anchored near downtown and listened to the Charlie Daniel's Band. We also stayed for the fireworks and it was awesome to see the show from the water!
Sean and Trina chillaxin'.The kiddos and me cruisin'.Chase and Layton posin'.Kestrel and her Trina :)Kestrel lovin' it.The big boy toys.The crowds movin' in....All of the boatin' neighbors.Waitin' for sundown and the shows to begin!The concert.The fireworks!!
Thanks to Sean and Trina for being awesome hosts and great friends! We are so happy to have them in our lives and spending these fun times together is great!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Sky's the Limit

After roughly six months I took my checkride last Tuesday (June 15th), which consists of an oral and practical examination. I successfully passed and now have my private pilot license! Yeeeeeha!  The process involved lots reading, testing, perfecting flight maneuvers and logging minimum flight times for night, solo, instrument and cross country flying. Airplanes and flying always fascinated me as a kid and learning has been one of the most rewarding and fulfilling challenges I've ever experienced. There's just nothing like being in the air. I only wish that I learned sooner, however I never could have afforded it. Well, it's not like I can now either... but I have a goal in mind.... anyway, it's great to finally have this first step completed of what some call the "license to learn". Aviation is a complex world and there's some amount of learning to be done every time you fly.

Mom and Dad were out here last week, on the way up from FL en route to NM, so Dad and I went out for my first passenger, non instructor, flight around Chattanooga.  I can't wait to start my next school near Atlanta in early July.  I'll begin their program with 85 flight hours and I'll receive my Multi-engine, Instrument, Commercial and Instructor ratings in about 90 straight days.

This is Todd Pettibone waving to someone I think (sorry I don't have more of him in the photo), my instructor at ASI in Collegedale, TN, where I flew N5469K (shown here), a Cessna 172P each lesson when the weather was nice enough. Todd is a great teacher with over 10,000 flight hours.

Layton helping me plan a cross-country flight with a plotter and aviation sectional...

The required reading list for my career pilot program.

Without immense support from my loving wife Melissa, as well as Layton and Kestrel, there's no way I'd ever be able to do this. So thanks Honey! Also, special thanks to Mom and Dad for helping me get there.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

June 6th RallyCrossing at Shag Bark Rally Park, Alabama

Last weekend I went to Birmingham to work on my car and drive a RallyCross event with the Alabama crew. Edwin Cunill of Element Garage was kind enough, again, to let me drive his 1970s BMW 2002. The car looks great now with a fresh silver and green paint job (sorry I didn't get any shots of it). There was a great course set by Ron Foley that we drove for 8 runs (4 each direction), a little rough, but it seemed to suit my strengths well and I was able to claim first in a class, of 5 drivers and 3rd overall at the event. It's been a challenge learning to drive RWD so maybe this win would indicate that I'm beginning to get it figured out, we'll see... We also ran a bunch of untimed "fun runs" on the course after the event. I'd have to say the best driving on Sunday was on the  fixed dirt course that's more like a rallysprint  1/2 mile long dirt road course that reaches speeds of about 40-50 mph (3rd gear in the 2002). It's a wicked fun course and it's starting to get packed out nicely. It just needs a bit more work, to smooth out some bumps, and it will be a fantastic dirt track.

Here's a few pics from Sunday's action: