Monday, April 26, 2010

Kestrel Is One!

It's hard to believe that one year ago Kestrel was born. It's amazing how much personality kids develop and how much they grow in 365 days. She's crawling all over the house now following Layton where ever he goes and will probably take her first unassisted steps in the next few months. She really wants to grab holds on the climbing wall but can't reach any yet. Right now the biggest transition for Kestrel is removing the formula bottle routine from the program as she moves to milk, but we began that a few nights ago and it seems to be going well.

Shown here are a few photos from Kestrel's and my dual-birthday celebration (with Baskin Robins ice cream — yummy!) last Monday (4/19), with our friends Andy and Jill, who are moving back to Colorado in another month or so. We'll definitely miss having those two around.

Happy Birthday Kestrel!

1 comment:

Janelle Anderson said...

So sweet! I love the photos and boy, that cake looks tasty. Thanks for sharing. Happy Birthday!